Finding myself
I was about to publish about my bad experiences in the past with love, and how I have messed up, and how I have nobody to blame but myself for my bad choices, and how now after going to therapy 2 years ago I can value myself more and bla bla bla.
So, as I was doing this I received a really nice message, and made me delete the other post and made me want to write about how every experience makes you wiser and stronger and not all is lost, sometimes great friendships come from great dramas.
I must confess, that I suffered from a lot of insecurities, I had always been the girl that wanted to find love but was always afraid to do something, to even show a bit of interest was not even part of my plan, and when someone showed interest I was not interested.
Then my inexperience lead me to a wolf and then to a prince charming, both of them caused me a lot of damage. There was a time I did not blame the wolf, and blamed myself, and carried a lot of guilt but later I realized I was young and stupid, and the wolf had some blame as well.
After the Wolf I met Prince Charming, and he is the one I blamed for a long time for all the trust issues that came after him, he was the one that got away, the one that made me feel like I was the only one, and then broke my heart, and I never saw love the same way but to be honest, I was already carrying too much, and I did not notice, and carried my guilt with me for a very long time.
I know we all have baggage’s, but I never admitted it, I always thought I was doing fine, until one day, not long ago, I realized I was not, rock bottom.
I had to built myself again, do a reality check, see who I wanted to be, where I wanted to be and ask myself who I was.
It is true, and there is a lot of stuff around about this subject “You have to love yourself in order to give love.” You really need to check your self-esteem, know your worth, be with someone who fights for you the same way you will, do not let it be one sided, it has to be both ways.
Never compromise your self worth, if you allow to be treated differently or in a way you know deep inside it shouldn’t be, and you let it slide, your self-esteem will be damage and hurt, do not betray yourself, do not alienate yourself, BE TRUE TO YOU.
One day my great love will come and if it doesn’t, oh well, it is what it is, and I am OK with that.