Hello, my beautiful readers, I know I have been out of business or let’s say out of writing for a while. There are a few things that have and are happening in my life, but I am not ready or not able to talk about it yet.
I was used to talking about my life to almost everyone and sometimes oversharing, this cost me friendships, and as well very bad advice, not all of them of course but the majority.
It is so true who you share your personal life events with, as not everyone is looking for your well-being, some people are just waiting for you to fail or take advantage of your situation and use them on their favor, this one I learned the hard way, but in a way it took me in the right direction of life as I realized I had to make changes in my life, so Thank You!
At the moment all I can say I am very grateful for my life, and it is true what people say when you are grateful, when you look inside of you, you can find answers, and create changes.
Life is about learning, and if you find yourself making the same mistakes it means you have not learned anything about your past experiences, never settle for less, especially if you know you deserve better.
At the moment this is all, but for sure you will be reading more about my thoughts and some experiences. If there is anything you would like me to write about I can probably do it.
I have decided I will try to write more often, this is what I like and this is what I will do.